The bias and barriers to employment faced by people who are underrepresented are often unrelated to their ability to do the job. These individuals have the skills and experience, and the desire to work. Too often they are overlooked or screened out during the hiring process, simply because of their identity, background, and personal history.
It is imperative that employers challenge the status quo of their hiring practices and philosophy to mitigate bias and remove barriers to meaningful employment. This requires a shift in mindset, introspection, letting go of the fear of getting things wrong and accepting that you don’t have all the answers.
In this report, you will find the most-recent YouGov survey data commissioned by Indeed, alongside tips, advice and actionables from some of the most progressive thought leaders in the diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging sphere. We hope you find it valuable and actionable, and are able to reflect on the current state and the progress we can make towards a more equitable future.
Download your free copy of the report below!